
跨专业教育荣誉荣誉(IP荣誉)是一项荣誉 国家认可的微型证书 这是对你在团队能力和技能方面的卓越承诺的认可. 

在完成, you will be awarded an IP Honors Certificate and Microcredential (recognition varies by academic program, 看到你的 教师的导师 有关详情).


您可以在入学期间的任何时间申请知识产权荣誉课程, but the requirements must be completed and approved by your 教师的导师 one month prior to graduation.

UNE College of 整骨疗法的医学 students must complete all e-portfolio requirements by May of their third year to assure that the achievement is included in their Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) letter.




出勤证明:三(本科生)或四(研究生) interprofessional事件 是必需的.

CAIEP在每学期提供多种活动. 其他活动可能由您的导师批准,以满足IPE的要求.


You must write a one-page reflection about each of the events attended and your 教师的导师 must review and approve all reflections before you can upload them to your e-portfolio.



Working with individuals of other professions to maintain a climate of mutual respect and shared values.


Use the knowledge of one’s own role and those of other professions to assess and address the health care needs of patients appropriately and to promote and advance the health of populations.


与患者沟通, 家庭, 社区, and professionals in health and other fields in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to the promotion and maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease.


应用 relationship-building values and the principles of team dynamics to perform 有效的ly in different team roles to plan, 交付, and evaluate patient/population-centered care and population health programs and policies that are safe, 及时的, 非常高效。, 有效的, 和公平.

View the full National Interprofessional Education Collaborative core competencies descriptions (PDF)


你必须在导师的指导下完成一个跨专业的项目. 符合浸入式项目的资格, you must actively interact with other students from at least one profession or discipline outside yours.

浸入式项目的例子包括参与 跨专业团队沉浸 (IPTI), Public 健康 Problem Solving in Interprofessional Teams (PHIT), a cross-professional 服务学习项目 (坎伯兰县监狱或缅因州惩教署减少伤害), 学生主导的跨专业 Mini-Grant项目,或其他已获批准的项目.

如果您不确定您的项目是否合格, 或者如果你对跨专业研究感兴趣, 给CAIEP发邮件至caiep@wfyxwl.com.


你必须以某种公开的形式展示你的项目成果. 这可以在 CAIEP海报会 offered at the end of each semester, a local or national conference, or another approved venue.


一旦需求完成, all the IP Honors material must be included in an e-portfolio (a template for the e-portfolio will be provided).

You will continue to have access to your e-portfolio after graduation so that it can be used as when applying for jobs as evidence of substantial interprofessional experience.


一旦完成,你的导师会正式批准你的电子作品集 发邮件caiep@wfyxwl.com. 为了表明他们的最终批准,您将把他们的电子邮件上传到您的电子投资组合中. 之后,发一封电子邮件到 caiep@wfyxwl.com 说明您已完成这些步骤. This must take place one month prior to graduation at the latest (or by May of the third year for UNECOM students). 


在您的电子投资组合最终批准后, CAIEP将与你的项目分享你的名字和成就,以便在毕业时得到认可, 证书将被上传到您的电子文件夹中. 你的微证书链接将从Credly通过电子邮件发送给你. The micro-credential is digital evidence of your IP Honors achievement that can then be uploaded to LinkedIn or other professional websites.




The IP 荣誉的区别 is designed to recognize student effort that goes above and beyond a department’s curricular norms for interprofessional education (IPE).


学生可以追求知识产权荣誉微证书或他们的整个学术生涯, 毕业时颁发.

UNE College of 整骨疗法的医学 students must complete all e-portfolio requirements by May of their third year to have IP Honors included in their MSPE.

Undergraduate students are required to attend three and graduate students are required to attend four IPE事件 完成一个沉浸式的跨专业团队项目. 每个事件必须用一页纸的书面反思记录下来, 上传至IP Honors电子档案库.

团队项目完成后, 学生必须向跨专业的观众展示他们的作品. 然后,他们的演示必须上传到电子作品集. 不同的程序对区别的要求可能不同. 教师导师可以确认电子作品集必须包含的元素. 


你必须选择一位教师导师, 来自本专业或其他学科的同意担任此职位的人. 教师导师评估学生的反思、团队项目和期末报告. 团队项目的每个学生都有自己的导师. 


你必须有良好的学术地位,并有良好的专业记录, 无论是在校园里还是在临床环境中, 获得知识产权荣誉称号. 沟通 with a 教师的导师 is key to the success and standards of this distinction.


CAIEP provides online tools to allow programs to track and manage the application process and e-portfolio. CAIEP在毕业前一个月提供证书和微证书.

CAIEP每学期提供海报会议,供团队项目展示. You may also select another venue to present your work to the public but you must receive prior approval from CAIEP.


你必须确定一位教师导师并完成一份 申请表.

  • 申请表由学生填写. The 教师的导师 indicates their willingness to serve as mentor emailing their intention to caiep@wfyxwl.com
  • 教师导师通过区分过程支持学生.
  • 本科学生必须参加三(3), 研究生必须参加四(4), 知识产权的事件. Faculty mentors can confirm any program specific elements that the e-portfolio must include.  
  • 学生必须为每个事件写一页的反思. 预计每个反思将涉及至少一项能力.
  • 申请表填妥后, CAIEP provides a link to the e-portfolio template and instructions for completing the e-portfolio. It is the student’s responsibility to upload their reflections to the e-portfolio and share it with their 教师的导师 and cece@wfyxwl.com.
  • 学生必须参加CAIEP提供的跨专业团队项目, 或CAIEP工作人员授权的其他机构. 
  • 学生 must present their project to an interprofessional audience such as the CAIEP海报会 at the end of each fall and spring semester. 
  • When the e-portfolio is complete, the student must share the link with their mentor and email it to caiep@wfyxwl.com. 一旦完成, the e-portfolio must receive final approval from the 教师的导师 in the form of an email to caipe@wfyxwl.com. 
  • 有些项目会在学生档案中保留一份申请表的副本.
  • 不迟于毕业前一个月, 教师的导师s will indicate to CAIEP via email that the student is eligible to receive — and deserving of — the distinction. At this time, CAIEP will upload the certificate to the e-portfolio and issue the micro-credential. 然后你可以把它以数字方式附加到LinkedIn、一个网站、一份简历等上.



If IPTI (or other immersive IP experience) is being used to complete your Interprofessional Team Project component of the IP Honors, 你不能同时写下你对这段经历的四个反思之一. The four reflections and the Interprofessional Team Project are two separate components of IP Honors. 


CAIEP的工作人员很乐意帮助您找到一个跨专业的团队项目. 存在一些机会, 包括(但不限于)IPTI, 服务学习项目, AHEC, 或者是学生主导的项目,比如IP Mini-grant.

如果您想创建自己的项目,请通过电子邮件与CAIEP联系 caipe@wfyxwl.com 确保所有的要求都得到满足.


是的, 你的导师必须批准你的申请和四个反思, 以及您完整的电子投资组合.